Our Story
The LOUISIANA ANIMAL CARE & CONTROL ASSOCIATION and its partners/sponsors have been providing animal control and animal shelter professionals with quality educational opportunities across the State of Louisiana since 1979.
The Louisiana Animal Control Association (LACA) was organized in 1979 as the Louisiana Animal Control Director's Association. In 1987, that association was reorganized to open membership to animal control personnel, and chartered under The Louisiana Animal Control Association (LACA). Then in 2020, rebranded as The Louisiana Animal Care & Control Association, recognizing the need for animal shelter professionals as well. The purposes of LACCA include promoting the improvement of methods and standards of the true nature and importance of the work performed by animal control organizations, cooperating with other public agencies dealing in animal control, and promoting justice and equality in the enforcement of animal control laws.
LACCA consists of Regular (individual), Associate (organizational), Honorary, and Cooperating (humane organizations, animal advocacy groups, and individuals) Memberships. Fees assessed, voting privileges, and other requirements of the membership are delineated in the LACCA By-Laws and are vested in the Board of board members.
LACCA is a nonprofit entity that receives no municipal, state, or federal funding. Monies used to conduct association business are obtained through membership dues, bequests, fees for service, etc. Occasionally, LACCA may receive grants or funds derived from sponsored workshops. LACCA also provides a scholarship fund. Donations are accepted for this fund.
LACCA is open to any adult individual or any organization actively working in or affiliated with animal control work, without regard to race, creed, religion, gender, or national origin. The tenet of LACCA is not to issue mandates but to work in harmony with agencies throughout the state to promote professionalism and improve the animal control profession.
LACCA is a supporter of local options and presents these policies in that perspective. We ask only that they be given a serious thought. Adherence to these policies is not a requirement of membership, but they are presented as worthwhile ideas or concepts to consider and hopefully strive to achieve.